I still have a nature table even though my children are 24, 22 and 15! I find that I pay more attention to the changes outside when I mirror them inside on our nature table. It’s something that nurtures a deep part of myself.

Finally, it’s time for Mrs. Thaw to arrive!

Making Mrs. Thaw

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Mrs. Thaw comes to sweep away the snow and clean things up as signs of spring begin to appear. After King Winter has ruled the land for many days, the sun finally comes out again and all the ice and snow begin to melt. Always a little muddy, with lots of debris strewn around the yard and garden beds.

When she first arrives, it is often still quite chilly. But what a welcome sight – Mrs. Thaw, in her boots and hat with her broom!

Sometimes, of course, King Winter swoops back through the land and blankets everything with white again. But he doesn’t stay long this time of year.

Mrs. Thaw is determined to begin the process of getting ready for spring!

Our Mrs. Thaw needed a little sprucing up, too. She had come in and out of the drawer so many times that her neck was getting a bit wobbly. And then our dog Nick got a hold of her at the end of the season last year and she was a sorry sight!

Making Mrs. Thaw

So, last week when the sun shone brightly and our temperatures got into the 50’s (woohoo!!!), I sat in the sun room making my repairs.

The story of Mrs. Thaw comes from the book Ollie’s Ski Trip by Elsa Beskow. 

Ollie's Ski TripIn Beskow’s version of the story, she is quite the force to stand up to King Winter! 



The Nature Corner




I stitched my Mrs. Thaw from the directions in the wonderful book, The Nature Corner, by Leeuwen & Moeskops.


Happy change of seasons to you! What’s on your nature table?

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  1. Oh, I love your sweet Mrs. Thaw! I’m curious to read that book (and I do wish my library carried more Beskow titles!). Last year the fairies brought us seed babies for the nature table and one by one in the spring they had transformed into little flower children when we awoke! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Kelly! I love the seed babies turning into flower children. That’s next on my handwork list, making new flower children. And finishing a felted Spring banner that I started last year! Happy Spring!

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